IMU currently maintains approx. 6,300 electric meters and 22.4 miles of 69kV transmission line.

Indianola's electric rates in 1890 were

$0.75/month for commercial

and $0.60/month for residential.

IMU’s water plant pumps an 

average of 1.2 MILLION gallons

of raw water PER DAY.

The IMU water plant is designed to treat 3.3 MILLION gallons of water PER DAY.

A 1,500-watt space heater running on high costs about 20 cents/hour. That’s $5 per day, or nearly $150/month!

about us

Serving Indianola’s Residents Since 1890

Indianola Municipal Utilities (IMU) is located in Indianola, Iowa and provides the city with electric, water and network services. The Indianola community has enjoyed the benefits of a locally owned, not-for-profit utility since 1890. Many changes have taken place since those early years, but one thing has remained the same – our commitment to providing the most reliable, affordable service possible.

About Us